Guild Spotlights: Our Favourites



With all the Guilds on Habitica, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. This year, our Guild Spotlights are going to highlight the favourite Guilds of Habitica’s staff, moderators and some high-level contributors! If you want to curate your Habitica experience and join active, positive Guilds, this is a great way to pick up some new ideas for Guilds to join.

This month, Squall has joined us to talk about his favourite guilds! Squall lends us his Blacksmithing skills to help us fix bugs and add features, and has also created a third-party tool to help enhance how people use Habitica.

So here are the guilds he recommends!

As a Habitican blacksmith (code contributor), I hang around in the Aspiring Blacksmiths and Aspiring Comrades guilds quite often. It’s interesting to see what others are working on and I also try to help other contributors when I can.

Continuing with the programming theme, The Developers Guild is a guild with discussions about all things related to programming and software development, such as different programming languages, tools, learning etc.

If you’ve already been in Habitica for a while and looking for something more or just different ways to play, check out  Habitica Plus guild. I like it because there are a lot of challenges and other creative ideas to modify Habitica usage.

I also like the avatar aspect of Habitica and try to come up with some creative outfits every once in a while. But I recently came across Random Habitica Costumes guild, which is a refreshing take on that as it is a place where people share random avatar outfits (generated using a tool called Habitican Randomizer). There are some interesting and wacky avatars there…

Thanks for sharing, Squall! If anyone feels like jumping in, there’s no time like the present…

If not, no need to fret! There are a lot of other Guild Spotlights, including ones from moderators and other contributors, so there’s something for everyone. There’s a new spotlight every month, so you can also check back in a month or so for some more handpicked recommendations!

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