Virtual Mayhem: Virtual Pet Pics from Habitica’s April Fool’s Celebration

It’s that time of year again! Habitica is known as The Home of the Internet’s Gentlest April Fool’s Pranks (we definitely didn’t make that up just now) and this year we really wanted to take things to a new level. Luckily for us, the Master of Rogues, our very own April Fool, had some “new” technology in store for us.

Habitica is already retro, and the Fool brought us the very latest in newly-trendy early 2000s nostalgia by replacing our 8-bit pets with keychain virtual pets! We’re still not sure if this is an update or a downgrade, but these things sure beeped at us a lot so they surely grabbed our attention.

Per time-honored Habitica tradition, the Fool posted a special Challenge to celebrate. Habiticans had a chance to show off their new pets on social media! Today we’re sharing the winning entries and a handful of our favorites.

First up, check our our Challenge winners!

Here are a few favorites from the Habitica Staff!:

What an exciting and loud collection of virtual pet antics! We hope you had as much fun with the Fool’s failed foray into the “latest” in pet technology as we did.

Want to see the April Fool’s past antics? Check out our posts from the social media challenges in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021!

Guild Spotlight: Gamified Reading

For 2021’s Guild Spotlights, we’ll be highlighting one guild per month which runs useful or fun challenges! If you don’t know yet about challenges, they’re community events which are usually run by other users, and usually feature a group of related tasks which get added to your own task lists. Challenges can offer you a bit of extra accountability, and the feeling of not being alone on your journey… and many challenges offer Gem prizes as well!

Habitica brings gamification to your everyday tasks and chores, rewarding you with gold and experience for completing them, but would you like to take it a step further? @loverofbooks‘ guild might be just the thing for you!

Check out the Gamified Reading Guild!

The guild has regular challenges which pit the group’s members against fearsome foes: the Bookwyrm, the Reidmorr, Tymeles and more! Whether your problem is stacking up too many books and never getting round to any, or reading when you should be working, the challenges are here for you. If you succeed at your tasks, you can strike a blow against the mighty Bookwyrm and fearsome Reidmorr — and if you don’t, they can strike a blow at you and your guild-mates!

If a guild all about reading isn’t for you, don’t worry! There will be other Guild Spotlights soon, and there’s a whole library of other spotlights you can browse here.

Avatar Customizations

It’s Wiki Wednesday! Once a month we highlight a helpful post from the Wiki with tips about productivity, wellness, and optimizing your use of Habitica!

One of the things many people love about Habitica is the ability to level up and get great gear for their avatars, but that’s not the only way to make your avatar your own. Did you know that there are seasonal skin colors, which allow you to dress up as a skeleton, deck yourself with holly, or try out a new pastel skin-tone? And that’s not the end of the options available. The Wiki is the perfect guide to this, and here’s an excerpt to get started:

Avatar customization includes all hair and body styles, skin colors, backgrounds, shirts, and extras (glasses, wheelchairs, flowers, earrings, animal ears, animal tails, and headbands).

Avatar customization has no in-game benefits; it just represents how you appear in the game.

Want to read up more about how to customize your avatar? Check it out on the Wiki!

Contributor Spotlight: jjgame83


Welcome back to the Contributor Spotlight Series, where we interview amazing members of the Habitica community! Today we’re chatting with jjgame83, an artisan who has also done many backgrounds, Magic Hatching Potions, Grand Gala outfits, and more!

How did you get involved with Habitica?

I stumped upon Habitica purely by a stroke of fate, looking for an app that would made chores fun for kids. I ended up using it for myself. Becoming a contributor was my way of getting invested (time) in Habitica so that it would become more than just another productivity app.

What’s your proudest contribution to Habitica?

I mainly contribute through artworks. My proudest contribution was being able to create the gala outfits for almost every season since I joined Habitica (except for missing Summer 2021 gala which was a really busy period for me). My personal favourite is the Fall 2020 Healer outfit.

What are your secret superpowers?

I’m a simple person with no superpowers. Except perhaps the ability to set weird rules for myself and following them.

What are your secret weaknesses?

I’m poor in social skills, so online communication is an added challenge for me without the help of body language. I got into a couple of awkward situations here as a result.

What are your favorite Habitican pets/mounts?

Invisible Aether. I enjoy using it to play with the avatar position on the background. Something simple, elegant and involves zero pixels.

What are some things you’re tracking in Habitica?

At the moment, I’m not using Habitica to actively track any particular habit. But it provides constant reminder and guilt when I stray too long from my tasks. In some way, I feel Habitica has already been integrated into my lifestyle even if I’m not using the app.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to read comics and play games on and off.

What are your top Habitica tips and tricks?

Nothing really. Just use it the way you like it. That’s one of my favourite thing about Habitica.

Where do you like to hang out in Habitica?

Aspiring Artisans. Looking at other artisans’ artworks is always inspiring.

Want to join the hallowed ranks of Habitica contributors yourself? Learn more on our wiki!

Use Case Spotlight: Recovering from Burnout

Our Use Case Spotlights post series highlight user stories and tips that can help you as you set up your own tasks, refresh things to add new challenges, or just get more motivated to keep at it! This round, we asked people about how they use Habitica to recover from the dreaded burnout. When you’re exhausted from all your tasks, a life situation, or other factors, how can you use Habitica’s format to make sure you get the rest and recovery time you need? Let’s hear from some Habiticans in the Use Case Spotlight Guild:

Fishdye starts us out with some tips on what to do when you’re overwhelmed by your Dailies:

There’s one thing I do to help me feel more like I’m running Habitica, rather than Habitica running me.

I have a LOT of Dailies, but they are things I really should be doing every day/on the days they’re active — many of them being things to think about during my day, so for many of them, simply reading through them carefully really is enough to count them complete and check them off. HOWEVER, there are just a handful that I’d like to be doing daily, but it’s consistently not happening due to all the things I have going on right now.

When one of those Dailies comes up, I move the start date to the beginning of the next month. (I’ve just done that with four of them today.) This way, I get a reprieve from feeling guilty from not checking them off (and from having them be what keeps me from a Habitica perfect day), and I can decide in the not-too-distant future whether to have another go at them. (I realize I could make them Habits instead, but, for me, if the task is something I need to be doing daily, converting it to a Habit undermines that.)

It’s tough when I feel like my regular slate of Dailies is perfectly doable, and yet I’m not accomplishing them. By moving the start dates, I maintain the position that they’re doable, but give myself the grace to work up to them.

Sternauge has a very thoughtful entry in the Guild that’s too long to include in its entirety here. We’re sharing a highlight, but encourage you to go read the whole thing!

I also have a triplet of rather generic but very important habits that especially help me when I’m overwhelmed (they all imply a break to an overwhelming task). I keep them at the top of my short habit list and I try to keep them always blue:

  • A mindfulness or mini-meditation habit that I can adapt to almost every situation and every short break. I could use it to just sit or stand somewhere and observe myself breathing for a few moments, feeling the ground beneath my feet, conciously relax as many muscles as possible, … I also use it when I’m feeling overwhelmed right now to observe myself and maybe find out why that specific situation is overwhelming me.
  • An exercise habit not only intended for bodily fitness but also to allow my mind either to wander freely during that time or to focus on something completely different. Currently I mostly tick it off for each 30 min of walking which is also one of the best ways for me to deal with overwhelming days.
  • A habit called “Did something REALLY fun”. This is actually a quite new habit and inspired by the current Take This Challenge. It is intended to help me find and remember all the little joys during the day.

CJLottie gave us another great set of tips for coming back to Habitica after recovering from prolonged burnout. The full text is too long to include here, but you should definitely go read the full post in the Use Case Spotlights Guild!

A little new here, but this topic really spoke to me! For context, I haven’t used Habitica in over two or so years due to just overwhelming mental health and personal life challenges. Then COVID hit, and well… things just took a turn for the worse once again. I only recently started to get back in the swing of Habitica again, and it’s helped in a major way with recovering from two plus years of burnout! Here’s what I did:

  1. Cleared out every single one of my old tasks. Even the ones that were helpful. Went for a blank slate. Now, my initial response was to just overwhelm myself with tasks. Which led me to step two.
  2. Picked one simple daily. Just one. For me, it was taking my meds. The key here is that it was something I was already fairly good at, so I could watch the counter progress tick up. This was deliberate – to make sure that I could have the most success and not get even more discouraged, I wanted my brain to register that Habitica was a positive stimuli. Tap into that rewards pathway to get a sense of success!

Do you have tips for using Habitica to prevent, ease, or recover from burnout? You can share those in comments here, or hop into the Guild to chat with other users.

Be sure check out all our past Use Case Spotlights for more ideas. We’ve written on all kinds of themes and shared a lot of users’ wisdom there!

Guild Spotlight: Utopify

For 2021’s Guild Spotlights, we’ll be highlighting one guild per month which runs useful or fun challenges! If you don’t know yet about challenges, they’re community events which are usually run by other users, and usually feature a group of related tasks which get added to your own task lists. Challenges can offer you a bit of extra accountability, and the feeling of not being alone on your journey… and many challenges offer Gem prizes as well!

Some guilds focus on a specific topic, like support for anxiety or working on studying together. Others are broader, focusing on more general productivity. If you’re looking for a guild which covers a lot of ground, here’s one for you…

Check out the Utopify Guild!

The Utopify Guild has challenges on all topics, like brainstorming on long-term goals, keeping a diary, using pomodoros for productivity, and reading. Check out the guild’s info for a schedule of what challenges exist and when they’ll be updated!

If you’re looking for more guilds to join, don’t worry: we have you covered! Check out the Guild Spotlight category on the blog to browse more guilds.


It’s Wiki Wednesday! Once a month we highlight a helpful post from the Wiki with tips about productivity, wellness, and optimizing your use of Habitica!

Have you picked out a favourite Background? Habitica’s contributors have worked hard on a whole range of Backgrounds to help bring our avatars to life — riding in a sleigh, anyone? Tiptoeing through a dragon’s hoard? Or is a deep-sea environment more to your taste? If you haven’t ventured yet into the world of backgrounds, then the Wiki has all the information you could need, plus a chance to preview some of the gorgeous images!

Here’s the introduction from the Wiki:

Backgrounds are optional scenery that can be placed behind player avatars. They have no in-game effect and exist only for aesthetic value. As of March 28, 2017, the violet background from the Plain Background Set is the default background (previously, the default background was a featureless light slate color). All existing players were also given the violet background and can choose to equip it if they wish to.

Thinking of going shopping now? Here’s the Wiki article to guide your choices!

Guild Spotlight: Artists

For 2021’s Guild Spotlights, we’ll be highlighting one guild per month which runs useful or fun challenges! If you don’t know yet about challenges, they’re community events which are usually run by other users, and usually feature a group of related tasks which get added to your own task lists. Challenges can offer you a bit of extra accountability, and the feeling of not being alone on your journey… and many challenges offer Gem prizes as well!

Many of us enjoy a creative outlet, and the chance to stretch our metaphorical muscles (or maybe our real ones) and try something new! And we know of a Guild in Habitica which is the perfect place to get support, whether you’re trying to learn oil painting or trying to keep on top of your commissions…

Check out the Artists Guild!

The Artists Guild has a number of permanent challenges which you can join to spice up your art routines or give yourself a boost — challenges focused on practising, or getting a daily routine, or learning to use a new medium, for example. It’s also a good home for other art-related challenges, as well as for discussion and sharing of your creative endeavors.

If art isn’t your thing, don’t worry! We’ll be highlighting a new guild next month, and there are plenty of options in the older spotlights which you can check out!


It’s Wiki Wednesday! Once a month we highlight a helpful post from the Wiki with tips about productivity, wellness, and optimizing your use of Habitica!

One of the joys of Habitica is carefully collecting equipment, backgrounds and pets to adorn your avatar, in order to show everyone how hard you’ve been working. But have you thought about your profile, too? Here’s the Wiki Wizards’ introduction to your profile, and everything it means:

The Profile is a set of publicly available information about a player. It can be accessed by clicking on the player’s username or avatar in any chat, the Hall of Heroes, or member/participant lists in parties, guilds, and challenges. Private information (tasks, gems, email, financial details, etc.) is not displayed.

A user’s profile has three parts. The “Profile” page shows user identifiers and personal information a player chooses to share. The “Stats” page displays a player’s stats, equipment, costume, pets, and mounts they have equipped. The “Achievements” page lists badges achieved, challenges won, and quests completed.

If you need more info about your profile, you can start with the excellent page on the Wiki! Is it time to marvel at all your Achievements? Or are you on a quest to get them all?


It’s Wiki Wednesday! Once a month we highlight a helpful post from the Wiki with tips about productivity, wellness, and optimizing your use of Habitica!

In all your adventures on Habitica, your party can be great companions… but have you thought about teaming up with a wolf, a dragon, a polar bear or a friendly pumpkin? Habitica’s pets are all friendly and ready to help you achieve your tasks, but be careful — that Shade Wolf wants to eat all your chocolate!

There are so many pets, the options might seem overwhelming: don’t worry, as usual, the Wizards of the Wiki have your back.

Players can choose to hatch Pets from eggs and hatching potions. The eggs and potions, depending on their type, can be obtained from random drops when completing tasks, or from quests, and can be purchased with gems in the Market. Additionally, rare and special pets may be awarded for special events.

Pets do not require food, but most pets can be fed so that they grow into mounts. Rare and Wacky pets cannot be raised into mounts.

Check out the full article here! What’s your favourite pet…?