Guac This Way: Fruit and Veggie Pet Pics from Habitica’s April Fool’s Celebration

Habiticans enjoyed yet another April 1st marked by goofy pixel antics this year! This time, the April Fool lulled us into a false sense of security by claiming he’d refocused his life on health and nutrition. We should all know better by now, shouldn’t we? It turns out he went and turned all our pets into cute little fruits and vegetables!

As part of a special Challenge to mark the occasion, many Habiticans shared their  avatars with their produce pets on social media! Here are just a few of the many awesome pics you all posted as part of the Challenge!

First, here are the entries from our Challenge Winners! They’re kind of a big dill.

issaleonardo knows when to turnip the volume.
“Just hanging out with my peach of a pet for April Fool’s…” says Bee_
“My lion turned into a banana! Perfect for the banana cake I’m about to bake lol” says alittlebitofeverything.
We hope Zelah_Meyer likes frozen fruit!
kitt-haven isn’t sure where their regular pet went, but it should turnip soon.

Here are some from the Habitica mods and staff! Olive them are looking quite excellent, if we do say so ourselves.

“That banana has seen some things.” says Beffymaroo
Oh no! shanaqui‘s bunny pet, a proxy of one of their real life bunnies, has turned into something a bunny might snack on!
Although she is normally a bustling town of foxes, Fox_Town took a moment to experience being a tranquil Farm Fox.

For those who may not have known, this April Fool’s prank was inspired by Socialite and Artisan QuartzFox‘s Art Trello request for fruit and veggie Magic Hatching Potions, hence her guest appearance in the Bailey (er, Carroty) that day !

“Here I am being a sushi chef! Sorta. 😉 I love my pet avocado *so much* and I wanna keep him!” says QuartzFox.

And here are some more of our favorite entries! All your pics were so rad-ish it was hard to choose just a few to feature here.

kakudennu‘s party found themselves a buffet of cuteness!
makura747 and company enjoy a bountiful harvest.
Citrusella gives us three looks! Left to Right: The main avatar look for the day, some fun with CSS in commemoration of the original 2014 April Fool’s prank that inspired this year, and then a variation with a blooming onion on the side!
louvelune has a really interesting breakfast in the library.
imjustarogue is off to travel the world on her royal purple wolf mount with a befriended dragonfruit.
ProbablyASeaBass says, “I’ve heard of sea cucumbers, but not sea peaches!”

Overall it seems like everyone had a lot of fun! We’re glad you had enjoyed it as much as we did. Lettuce wait and see what the April Fool is up to next April 1 – this prank is going to be hard to beet!

Want to see the April Fool’s past antics? Check out our posts from the social media challenges in 2017 and 2018!


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